In the framework of the bilateral collaboration strategy of the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the University of Geneva (UNIGE) has played the role of “Leading House” for collaboration between Switzerland and Russia since 2008. Starting from 2017, our mandate has been enlarged to also cover Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan (roughly referred to hereinafter as “CIS Region”).
Two calls for projects were launched in 2018, one aimed at connecting Swiss and Russian researchers (Program Starter Grants and Innovation Seed Grants), while the second had a larger scope including all countries within the mandate (Seed Funding Grants).
Call Russia 2018:
Two project were funded within the Innovation Seed Grant scheme, involving two Swiss and two Russian institutions.
Within the Program Starter Grant scheme, 13 projects were selected for funding, all of which have been carried out with success and many tangible results, including publications, the creation of academic networks and organising conferences and summer schools. The full list and descriptions of the selected projects are available here.
Call CIS Region 2018:
A total of 21 projects were selected for funding within the Seed Funding Grant connecting researchers in 13 Swiss institutions and 16 scientific entities in partner countries. The projects are in a great variety of academic disciplines, ranging from psychology to international security, to social sciences, linguistics, robotics and palaeontology. The full list and descriptions of the selected projects are available here.
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